Spanish communication research: university research institutes, researchers and their presence in networks




communication, social networks, university, university professors, academic visibility, gender studies


This paper lists and analyzes the academic visibility tools used, or that can be used, by women researchers in Communication, starting from the case of Spain but with an international vocation. This main purpose contains several complementary objectives: to detect and list the institutes and university organizations of feminist studies and women's studies; to discover and specify, from the previous organizations, those that offer academic publications for their researchers and for researchers from all over the world; to reveal and refer to the most cited Spanish researchers in Communication according to Google Scholar; and to investigate and consider, from the most cited researchers, which academic, social and professional networks they use to share their research and improve their visibility. With this, it aims to help solve the invisibility of women scientists, in general, and of Social Science specialists, in particular. It employs a triangular method: 1) gender studies institutes of Spanish universities; 2) positioning of the 20 most cited Spanish female communication researchers in Google Scholar; and 3) the professional and social networks they use. It is an original but replicable method to study a larger number of women or other areas. The results reveal that 25 Spanish universities have institutes and centers aimed at making the work of women researchers visible and 22 of them have academic journals. It is concluded that women researchers must enhance their visibility in all networks, but institutions must also recognize their work.

Author Biographies

Lucía Ballesteros-Aguayo, Universidad de Málaga (Spain)

Lucía Ballesteros Aguayo has a degree in Journalism and Advertising and PR and a PhD in Journalism with a thesis on the press during the totalitarianisms of the twentieth century in Europe that obtained the highest score, Outstanding Cum Laude. She is currently a professor at the University of Malaga and collaborates in research tasks with different international entities such as INDIRE in Florence (Italy) or the DigiMedia Research Centre of the University of Aveiro (Portugal). She has made several research stays abroad and has an extensive scientific production on Marketing, Advertising, Disinformation and Media History, with contributions such as "Humour in the post-war press: Short stories of Gloria Fuertes in the falangist magazine Maravillas" in Revista Latina de Comunicación Social or "Traitors of the Homeland: The stigmatization of reds in falangist discourse" in Peter Lang Publishing.

Eglee Ortega-Fernández, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)

Accredited Professor and Director of the Master's Degree in Digital Marketing and Advertising and Professor at the Faculty of Communication and Arts of the Nebrija University, in Madrid. Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism and New Media, Faculty of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid. PhD in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Master's Degree in Digital Marketing, Communication, and Social Networks and a Master's Degree in Political and Business Communication from the UCJC. Diploma in the area of Public Relations Management and Institutional Protocol and Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication from the Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela with Cum Laude Honorable Mention. Specialist in communication, digital marketing, customer positioning (SEO), digital advertising (SEM), social networks and content optimization. She has multiple publications in the areas of digital communication, marketing, advertising, and social networks. She has been the coordinator of press offices in public and political institutions, as well as press assistant at the European Union office in Venezuela in 2010.

Graciela Padilla Castillo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)

Graciela Padilla Castillo is the coordinator of the BA programme in Journalism of the School of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). She is the Member of the Feminist Research Institute (UCM). Her research interests focus on information theory, ethics and deontology of communication, TV fiction and gender studies. She is author and co-author of 100 book chapters and scholarly articles published in high-impact journals. Has coordinated more than ten collective works and has participated in more than 30 competitive and private research and teaching-innovation projects.



How to Cite

Ballesteros-Aguayo, L., Ortega-Fernández, E., & Padilla Castillo, G. (2023). Spanish communication research: university research institutes, researchers and their presence in networks. ALMANAQUE, (42), 83–108.




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