The Holy Week of Malaga, identity, cultural and pedagogical values.


  • Javier León Galera Universidad de Granada (Spain)
  • Antonio Rafael Fernández Paradas Universidad de Granada (España)



Holy Week, values, pedagogy, culture, Malaga


While it is true that our culture is not something immutable or stable, hence it is taken into account in this project that, in culture and through its traditions there have always been ups and downs, periods of boom and decline, in some cases promoting or recovering a lost tradition and in others reaching the extinction of the party, where who loses is the people and the cultural richness of its inhabitants. Well, making reference to know the culture that gives us our own identity, in this case, and mentioning that this didactic itinerary will be carried out in the University of Malaga for the future teachers of the Faculty of Education Sciences, we will work fundamentally the cultural manifestation and the deployment that takes place in the city of Malaga during the Holy Week.

Author Biography

Antonio Rafael Fernández Paradas, Universidad de Granada (España)

Antonio Rafael Fernández Paradas holds a PhD in Art History from the University of Málaga, with a doctoral thesis entitled Historiography and Methodologies of the History of Furniture in Spain (1872-2011). A state of the question, and a degree in Documentation from the University of Granada. Master in Appraisal and Valuation of Antiques and Works of art by the University of Alcalá de Henares. He has worked in several museums (Museo Thyssen and Museo Carmen Thyssen) and art auction houses (Durán and Lamas Bolaño). Her lines of research deal with Social Networks, gender, homosexual visibility, Decorative Arts, and issues related to the art market and educational innovation applied to the teaching of Art History and Cultural Heritage. Some of his publications include: Interactivity and social networks (Florida, USA); "Redes Sociales, docencia universitaria y escultura barroca española. Reflexiones y posibilidades desde el contexto de la innovación" (Revista historia y comunicación social, ISI publication); "Redes Sociales al Servicio de la Innovación Educativa Universitaria: Nuevos sistemas pedagógicos aplicados al conocimiento de la escultura barroca española y su imbricación en la docencia e investigación de la Historia del Arte" and "Entre la postmodernidad y el homoerotismo: la imaginería procesional del Neobarroco Gay" (Bética). He has directed and taught in the Master of Spanish Baroque Sculpture (International University of Andalusia), which he also directed, and the Advertising Art Direction, University of Vigo. He currently works as an expert appraiser of antiques and works of art.



How to Cite

León Galera, J., & Fernández Paradas, A. R. . (2023). The Holy Week of Malaga, identity, cultural and pedagogical values. ALMANAQUE, (41), 47–166.


