The dialogic and the difference in Louise Glück's garden


  • Nancy Gutiérrez Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)



Dialogic, dialectic, feminine self, lyrics


This documental investigation is based on the analysis of Louise Glück´s poetry from the concept of the dialogic and difference from Anne Herrman’s  approach, in The Dialogic and Difference (1989), and the appearance of what Herrmann calls, “An/Other Woman.” The concepts of the dialogic and the difference will be defined from Anne Herrmann’s perspective; how is that “Other woman” presented in Glück’s poetry, how the feminine is constructed as subject and object at the same time, and how is that other woman in Glück’s lyric, as Herrmann says: woman’s own alterity in woman’s and other women’s own language. The dialogic and the difference will be defined in Glück’s poems, and from these concepts, selected poems, “The Wild Iris” and “Meadowlands,” will be analyzed in the poetry of Louise Glück, where dialogues and monologues that represent other voices are observed, with the voice of that other woman that raises rebellious, disturbing, traumatic, the voice of Another Woman in Herrmann’s words.


Author Biography

Nancy Gutiérrez, Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)

I am a professor of English as a foreign language, with a Diploma in Translation, Positive Psychology and Creative Writing. Diploma in Organizational Coaching and Life Coach, Leader of MIT's ULab Program, Associate Professor at the English Department of the Universidad Metropolitana.



How to Cite

Gutiérrez, N. (2023). The dialogic and the difference in Louise Glück’s garden . ALMANAQUE, (42), 1–20.


