REPSOL Detecting young talent


  • Javier García Cabrejas EAE Business School (Spain)
  • Elena García Campillo EAE Business School (Spain)
  • Sofía Zamit González EAE Business School (Spain)



young talent, screening, digitalisation, sustainability, renewable energies


Spain is currently one of the countries in Europe with the highest youth unemployment and school dropout rates. Another reality is the existing mismatch between the supply of training and its subsequent labor market insertion. This generates a problem of shortage of specific talent, mainly in profiles related to digitalization and renewable energies, which are in great demand in the current business context. current business context. The Diamonds in the Raw Program allows Repsol to identify young people with concerns, skills and competencies oriented to the energy and digital branches. Focused on the oil and energy sector, this project achieves its objectives through the use of a comprehensive assessment specifically designed for the target profile through three types of tests: predictive tests, role play and group dynamics.

Author Biographies

Javier García Cabrejas, EAE Business School (Spain)

I believe that talent and people management has made, makes and will always make a difference.
I am passionate about working with people and I still believe that attracting and retaining talent is the best lever for the process of continuous change and innovation that any company needs. Working in the selection, training and development of teams is as necessary as it is rewarding.
I have been doing this work in Special Tours, specifically in the area of guides, for more than 8 years.


Elena García Campillo, EAE Business School (Spain)

HR Specialist at Banco Santander.


Sofía Zamit González, EAE Business School (Spain)

HRIS & Global Rewards Analyst at Kudelski Group




How to Cite

García Cabrejas, J., García Campillo, E., & Zamit González, S. (2024). REPSOL Detecting young talent. ALMANAQUE, (43), 47–66.




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