Evolution of the brand strategy of the Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Unimet) due to the Covid-19 pandemic


  • Luis Leopoldo Cova Franco Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)
  • español Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)
  • español español Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)




research, reputation, brand, COVID-19, distance education


For this paper, research was conducted to identify the pre-pandemic and post-pandemic reputations of the Universidad Metropolitana (UNIMET) brand, to determine the distinctive characteristics or attributes it possesses with its core audiences. The comparison made it possible to determine the significant changes in brand strategy brought about by the distance education generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, documentary information was analysed and interviews were conducted with managers and experts associated with the University. In addition, two quantitative research studies were carried out through surveys aimed at the Unimetana community (students, graduates, professors and administrative staff), one prior to the pandemic and the second one one year after it, taking significant samples which allowed statistically valid results to be obtained.

Author Biography

Luis Leopoldo Cova Franco, Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)

Executive Chairman at BrandVission. Worked as Founder member and Managing Director at Emblem. Worked as Partner at BrandSpin Brand Consultant. Worked as General Manager (General Manager) North of Latin America at FutureBrand. Worked as Strategic Planning Manager at La Electricidad de Caracas. Worked as Director at EDS Corporation. Worked as Manager at Arthur D. Little. Assistant Professor at Florida International University. Studied Computer Science at Princeton University. Studied Computer science at USB VE. Studied at Associated Educational Institutes. 



How to Cite

Cova Franco, L. L., español, B., & español, I. (2024). Evolution of the brand strategy of the Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Unimet) due to the Covid-19 pandemic. ALMANAQUE, (43), 21–46. https://doi.org/10.58479/almanaque.2024.14


