Instructions for the monographic section

"Disruptive Education: Artificial Intelligence and the Obsolescence of the Professions".

Focus: The Almanaque Journal publishes current works, both academic and professional, aimed at the international community of social science researchers and education professionals, and therefore accepts papers in Spanish and English. The aim is to disseminate articles, both empirical and theoretical, that contribute to new knowledge and perspectives, case studies, critical reviews or opinion articles related to the social sciences.
Topics or lines of interest
- Integration of artificial intelligence in education: This line of research focuses on how artificial intelligence can improve teaching and learning. Different approaches are explored, such as intelligent tutoring, personalized recommender systems, and tailoring educational content to individual student needs.
- Impact of artificial intelligence on the labor market: This line of research analyzes how artificial intelligence is changing the labor landscape and causing the obsolescence of certain professions. It investigates how workers and labor policies can adapt to cope with these changes and ensure a just transition.
- Ethics and responsibility in educational artificial intelligence: As artificial intelligence is increasingly being used in educational contexts, it is important to investigate the ethical aspects and associated responsibility. Issues such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, equity in access to education, and the psychological impact of interaction with artificial intelligence systems are investigated.
- Machine learning and cognitive psychology: This line of research seeks to integrate the principles of cognitive psychology into machine learning models. It investigates how artificial intelligence models can capture and simulate human cognitive processes to improve performance in learning and decision-making tasks.
- Personalization and adaptation in education: Artificial intelligence offers the possibility of personalizing education according to the individual characteristics and needs of each student. This line of research focuses on how to design artificial intelligence systems that can effectively adapt educational content, strategies, and activities to maximize learning.
- Human-robot interaction and social psychology: As robots and artificial intelligence systems become more present in our lives, it is important to investigate how people interact with them and how they can be designed to generate socially effective interaction. This line of research analyzes the psychological and social aspects of human-robot interaction, such as trust, empathy, and social acceptability.
- Artificial intelligence and psychotherapy: Artificial intelligence is also being explored in the field of clinical psychology and psychotherapy. We investigate how artificial intelligence systems can help in the diagnosis, treatment and emotional support of patients, and how ethical and privacy challenges can be addressed in this context.

Selection of contributions.
All research studies or projects and scholarly contributions received in the journal will be subject to blinded peer review and must comply with our publication guidelines. Once manuscripts have been evaluated, authors will receive notification of acceptance or rejection of their contribution.

Eloy López Meneses:
About the guest editor:
Full Professor of the Dpto CC.SS (UPO). Two sexenios recognized. Director of the Institutional Chair EduEmer and EduInnovagogy Group (HUM-971). Editor of IJERI Journal (SCOPUS). Direction of 17 doctoral theses. Scopus_ID: Index:19.

Lines of research
- Machine learning and neural networks
- Computer vision and image recognition
- Natural language processing and text understanding
- Robotics and autonomous systems
- Process optimization and automation