Editorial policy on gender equality

The journal Anales of Basic, Physical and Natural Sciences is committed to gender policies that lead to real equality between women and men in our society. This commitment is reflected in several key actions.

  1. Editorial Participation

The journal will take measures to ensure a balanced editorial composition of women and men, reflected both in the different bodies of the journal and in the participation of people evaluating the papers.

  1. Use of Inclusive Language

Annals of Basic, Physical and Natural Sciences recommends the use of inclusive language in scientific articles that consider the presence and situation of women in society and align with the principle of gender equality. Special attention should be paid to using inclusive and non-discriminatory language and avoiding gender bias. In this regard, it is advisable to replace the use of the generic masculine to designate all people in a class or group, whether men or women, with generic terms, explanatory phrases, or, when none of the above is possible, use split forms.

For more details, refer to the APA publication manual: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/bias-free-language/gender

  1. Sex and Gender in Research

Additionally, this journal includes the full names of the authors of the articles it publishes and, in the abstracts of research studies, rigorously specifies whether the representative samples of the analyzed population include both genders.