Civil Engineer. Master in Industrial Engineering. Doctor of Science in Education. Experience in supervision, planning and management of industrial projects in transnational companies. Resident Engineer in medium and large scale civil works, buildings and


  • Natalia Castañón Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)
  • Anthony Millán Universidad del Norte (Colombia)
  • Pura Zavarce Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)



job expectations, college students, personal attributes, outcome perspective, labor market outcomes, labor market insertion


This paper presents a study on the factorial structure of the job expectations questionnaire in university students at the Universidad Metropolitana in Caracas, Venezuela. The main objective of the study was to analyze the predictive capacity and the sociodemographic, educational and work expectations characterization of a sample of university students. The research design was approved by the Research Direction of the Universidad Metropolitana and twenty-eight sections participated. The instrument used was a job expectations questionnaire that included 17 items. The results showed that the predictive capacity of the questionnaire was high and that personal
attributes and the perspective of results are relevant to assessing the quality of university education and the labor market insertion of university graduates. In addition, it was found that most of the students surveyed had career-related job expectations and that most of them were willing to work abroad.


Author Biographies

Natalia Castañón, Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)

Degree in Education from the Universidad Metropolitana in 1991. Master in School Psychology. PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid.
Since 1993 he has been a full time professor at the Universidad Metropolitana where he has developed a teaching, research and management career. He was in charge of the Department of Didactics, Department of Humanities and Unimet Online. In charge of more than 60 professors, internal projects in technology, innovation and entrepreneurship. External consultancies with the private and governmental sector. Tutor of more than forty (40) undergraduate, master's and doctoral theses. Publications in twenty-eight (28) national and international peer-reviewed journals or books. Participation in more than forty-four (44) national and international congresses with refereed papers. Advisor and/or consultant for more than twenty (20) national and international educational projects (World Bank, IBM, PDVSA, Dividendo Voluntario para la Comunidad, BOD, Banesco, Banco Provincial,
Procter&Gamble, Universidad Metropolitana, Fundación Cisneros, Alcaldía de Chacao, Alfa Program of the European Community, among others).

Anthony Millán, Universidad del Norte (Colombia)

Lines of research: Occupational psychological health and organizational development. Consumer psychology. Psychometrics



How to Cite

Castañón, N. ., Millán, A. ., & Zavarce, P. . (2022). Civil Engineer. Master in Industrial Engineering. Doctor of Science in Education. Experience in supervision, planning and management of industrial projects in transnational companies. Resident Engineer in medium and large scale civil works, buildings and . Anales De Ciencias Básicas, Físicas Y Naturales, (38), 87–118.


