Use of Indicators as a Business Intelligence solution for a customer service logistics process of certain Venezuelan Private Banks.


  • Siro Tagliaferro Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)
  • José Valentín Salazar Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)



Rstudio©, business intelligence, management indicators, customer service, cluster analysis


Business Intelligence (BI) tools allow ordering and analyzing data from various sources to obtain knowledge that facilitates the interpretation and understanding of information, improving decision making in a company and achieving a competitive advantage. This article seeks to propose BI solutions for customer service, using two anonymous banking institutions as a database and source of information. Through the use of Rstudio©, as a digital tool to work with Data Mining, processes and statistical analysis were performed to extract all relevant information for the development of management indicators. Through these indicators and the Benchmarking methodology, the results between both banks were compared, where it was determined that there were two serious problems: customer segmentation and excess of products offered. Finally, a series of solutions based on business intelligence were proposed to optimize resources and improve customer service, thus increasing the level of competitiveness of both banks.

Author Biographies

Siro Tagliaferro, Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)

Ingeniero de Producción (2012) UNIMET, MBA (2016) IESA, Data Science (2022) UCV, profesor a tiempo completo con más de 5 años de experiencia.

José Valentín Salazar, Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)

Production Engineer



How to Cite

Tagliaferro, S. ., & Salazar, J. V. . (2021). Use of Indicators as a Business Intelligence solution for a customer service logistics process of certain Venezuelan Private Banks. Anales De Ciencias Básicas, Físicas Y Naturales, (37), 55–82.


