Characterization of a natural dye from avocado (Persea Americana) seed for dyeing textile fibers.




anthocyanins, coloration, water-soluble pigments, low toxicity, fastness to washing, biodegradability


The vegetation coloration is determined by the presence of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are water-soluble pigments capable of providing a wide range of colors with a significant market in natural dyes, which have experienced a surge in the last decade due to their biodegradability and low toxicity compared to synthetic dyes. Natural dyes can be extracted from different parts of the plant. In this research study, the extraction and evaluation of a natural dye extracted from avocado seeds were carried out. The dye extraction process involved grinding the seed, followed by extraction with Sodium Hydroxide, filtration, and finally centrifugation. The yield of this dye was calculated for its evaluation, resulting in an average of 90.15%. Subsequently, after measuring the sample’s absorbance using a spectrophotometer, its concentration was determined using the Lambert-Beer Law. Then, it was applied to cotton, polyester, and blended textile fibers, resulting in a brownish-red coloration, with higher adhesion observed in the case of cotton. Finally, a wash fastness test was performed, obtaining good fixation on the cotton fibers dyed with the natural dye.



How to Cite

Perez Hernandez, M. M., Martínez S., D. C. ., & Pérez G., H. E. (2023). Characterization of a natural dye from avocado (Persea Americana) seed for dyeing textile fibers. Anales De Ciencias Básicas, Físicas Y Naturales, (39), 33–52.


