The brain fingerprint of attention and its fight against the distracting effect of pain


  • Victor Tortorici Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)
  • Marco Echeverria-Villalobos The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, (USA)



dolor, modulación cognitiva del dolor, atención, desempeño cognitivo


The main objective of this article is to share the results of a pilot experience carried out at the recently created Neuroscience Laboratory of UNIMET, in an effort to try to understand the complex relationship between pain and cognitive performance, particularly with regard to the maintenance of attentional capacity despite our suffering.

Author Biographies

Victor Tortorici, Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas (Venezuela)

Dr. Tortorici is a Biologist and Neurophysiologist. He holds a Ph.D. in Physiology and Biophysics (Magna Cum Laude) from the D. in Physiology and Biophysics (Magna Cum Laude) from the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC). He completed three postdoctorates in Neurophysiology, the first one at the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC). Research (IVIC), in Venezuela, and the others at Oregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU) and Oregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU). University (OHSU) and Washington State University (WSU), both located in the United States. United States. He is Active Emeritus Researcher, head of the Neurophysiology Laboratory at the Center for Biophysics and Biochemistry (IVIC), in Venezuela. Biophysics and Biochemistry Center (CBB) of IVIC. He was head of the CBB of this institute and president of the of the Venezuelan Association for the Study of Pain (AVED). He is currently as Full Research Professor, attached to the Department of Behavioral Sciences, at the Universidad Metropolitana (UNIMET), where he also directs the Neuroscience Laboratory.

Marco Echeverria-Villalobos, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, (USA)

1) Postgrado de Anestesiología - Universidad del Zulia 1977
2) Critical Care Medicine - University of Western Ontario'80
London, Ontario, Canada
3) Neuroanesthesia - University of Western Ontario' 1982
4) Cardiovascular Anesthesia - University of Western Ontario
Specialties: Anesthesiology
Cardiovascular Anesthesia
Critical Care Medicine



How to Cite

Tortorici, V., & Echeverria-Villalobos, M. (2021). The brain fingerprint of attention and its fight against the distracting effect of pain. Anales De Ciencias Básicas, Físicas Y Naturales, (37), 1–14.


