About the Journal

The journal Anales de Ciencias Básicas, Físicas y Naturales is an annual, open access, multidisciplinary periodical whose objective is to publish high quality, unpublished research articles.

LANGUAGE: The journal is bilingual Spanish / English since it presents all its articles in the original Spanish language -the official language-, and its translation into English. If English is the original language, a translation into Spanish is provided.

FREQUENCY: It is published annually. Special monographic issues, related to current topics or of great relevance for the university community, may be published.

OBJECTIVES and AUDIENCE: Anales de Ciencias Básicas, Físicas y Naturales aims to publish original and unpublished research related to Biomedical Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Physical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences, and Mathematics. It is addressed to authors who contribute with original and unpublished scientific research to these fields of knowledge.

FREE: Anales de Ciencias Básicas, Físicas y Naturales is an Open Access journal and all articles published in it are open access under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.